Adding a Column in MS Access

Want to add a boolean column to an existing table?  Here’s the syntax:

ALTER TABLE  [Table] ADD COLUMN [new_column] BIT;

Very Bad DropDownList

Is your DropDownList misbehaving (such as not reporting the correct selected item in the selectedindexchanged function when an item is selected and autopostback is set to true)? Check to make sure there aren’t any <form> tags littered throughout the html of the page.

I believe there should only be one parent server side form tag wrapping all of the html of the body.

Access Membership Provider

Want to use an Access DB for membership and roles? Need to know where and how to install the Access Membership Provider?

The forum thread where I found the solution is here

“you download the kit from this link . Double click on it and follow the wizard. You VC# that you should download from ms website. You can click the link right below the kit. When you open this app…click new project…select from the template Access Provider. Make sure you name your project Sample Access Provider and then you won’t have to change the web.config file. Save. Once you do that copy the web.config file. In VWD paste that into web.config. of your new website. Then navigate to mydocuments/vwd2005/projects. Double click on the folder Sample Access Provider and there is another folder and inside that is a bin folder. Copy contents of bin folder to your website…there should be a .dll …plus I copied the .sln file to that same folder in my website AND IT WORKS. “

Commenting Out in ASP.NET 2.0

Just got a strange error that was questioning the authenticity of the view state of the page using the MAC check and something to do with the machine key and questioning if the app was being run on a cluster. What ever the error message was… it wasn’t accurate at telling me what the “real” problem was. So after checking it out for a while, it turned out to be a closing tag, “</form>”, that was commented out in the middle of the html with the actual closing tag at the bottom of the page, where it should be. The form tags should be encapsulating any of your tags that will generate a post back to your server, such as a button (which was the case in my scenario). Well, it turns out that ASP.NET 2.0 was actually reading the closed form tag that was commented out in the middle of the page and therefore excluded and prevented the functionality of the button tag. Thus, the error message. I’ve seen this reading of the “commented out html” issue previously (when should be ignoring it) in the case with atlas as reported in a previous post. So, watch out for this minor got’cha 🙂


woah… how high was that on the richter scale? the metamorphosis from to has begun.

forms authentication and the update panel

I'm noticing that if you have the update panel encapsulation a login control and then try to log in, you will not be taken to the destination page.  You will just get a refresh of the login page instead! 1.1 to 2.0 conversion

So far I've noticed that while converting 1.1 to 2.0 code, these updates are needed:
1) Convert the CodeBehind attribute in the Page directive to CodeFile
2) Insert the partial keyword in the class declaration of your codebehind class for that page
3) Delete any variable declarations to controls in the codebehind file

atlas error

A popup error message – "Assertion Failed: elements in children collection should always have nodeType = 1" will occur in IE (not in firefox) when "<!–"  "–>" comments exist in the aspx page and are contained within an UpdatePanel.


Don't assume that the VBA FindNext function returns another instance of an item found.  You must take note of the address of the previously found cell and compare it with what is returned from FindNext in order to check that something new was actually found.


Arghh! Firefox does not support showModalDialog!

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